Oregon Pushes Lower Voter Age

Senator Fagan

Oregon lawmakers have set forth a bill that would ask voters to amend the state’s constitution to lower the voting age from 18 to 16-years-old.

If it proceeds forward , the bill could be put to vote in the 2020 presidential election. 

State Senator Shemia Fagan (D) stated that "Sixteen-year-olds are subject to our criminal justice system ... They are couch surfing with friends while their families experience homelessness and they're begging us to take action to protect their future."  

Social and politcal issues affecting young people have brought the voting age down before. It used to be 21 before the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution lowered it to 18 in the year 1971. The amendment was fueled mostly in part by 18 year olds facing the draft for the Vietnam War.